141 articles

3/2023 - Open Issue

Anna von der Goltz

Radical Chic, Chromatic Politics, and Constructions of Race in the Campaigns of the West German Christian Democrats in the 1970s

2/2023 - Jewish Critique of Language after the Holocaust

Miriam Chorley-Schulz

Thinking about German through Yiddish

Lynn L. Wolff

The ›Wörterverzeichnis‹ of H.G. Adler’s Theresienstadt 1941–1945

Hannah Pollin-Galay

The Holocaust Through One Word: Shabreven

Marc Volovici

Nazi German and Other Forms of German in the 1961 Trial

3/2022 - Open Issue

Antero Holmila, Pertti Ahonen

The Many Faces of Finlandization and Some Potential Lessons for Ukraine

Antero Holmila, Pertti Ahonen

The Many Faces of Finlandization and Some Potential Lessons for Ukraine

2/2022 - Disability History

Claire Shaw

Fighting Deafness in the Stalinist 1930s

Esme Cleall

Harlan Lane, Postcolonialism, and Critical Colonial History

Michael Rembis

A Mad People’s History of Life on Asylum Wards in the Early-Twentieth Century United States

Nicholas Watson

The Politicization of Wheelchairs and Wheelchair Users in the Twentieth Century

3/2021 - Masculinities

Jan-Markus Vömel

Islamist Masculinity in Turkey, 1950–2000

Jörg Arnold

The British Miners, Muscular Masculinity and the Struggle for Workplace Rights, 1977 to 1984/85

Olmo Gölz

On Gholamreza Takhti, Masculinity, and the Search for Authenticity in a ›West-Infested‹ Iran

2/2021 - World – Hunger – Aid

Chunjie Zhang

Rereading Pearl S. Buck’s The Good Earth (1931)

Christiane Berth, Heike Wieters

International Organizations, NGOs, and Industrial Actors in Global Nutrition, 1940s to 1970s

Tom Scott-Smith

A Conversation with Tom Scott-Smith

Christiane Berth, Heike Wieters

International Organizations, NGOs, and Industrial Actors in Global Nutrition, 1940s to 1970s

1/2021 - Nostalgia

Tim Wildschut, Constantine Sedikides, Anouk Smeekes

An Empirical Psychological Perspective

Makoto Harris Takao

Positioning Japan in a Global History of Emotions

Tim Wildschut, Constantine Sedikides, Anouk Smeekes

An Empirical Psychological Perspective

Tim Wildschut, Constantine Sedikides, Anouk Smeekes

An Empirical Psychological Perspective

Joanna Wawrzyniak

Post-Socialist Nostalgia and the Transformation of Industrial Life in Poland

3/2020 - Open Issue

1/2020 - Open Issue

Felix A. Jiménez Botta

Politics of Memory in the West German Campaigns Against the Chilean and Argentinean Military Regimes, 1973–1990

3/2019 - Israel, Palestine and German Contemporary History

Ofer Ashkenazi

The Nakba and the Legacy of the Israeli Historians’ Debate

2/2019 - Contemporary History of Law

Lawrence Douglas

Reflections on The Bramble Bush by Karl Llewellyn (1930)

1/2019 - Open Issue

3/2018 - Flight and Migration: Actors, Actions, Contexts

1/2018 - Open Issue

Ewald Frie

Open Futures

3/2017 - Mobility and Environment

Ruth Oldenziel

Cycling in China and the Sustainability Challenge, 1955–Present

Christopher Neumaier, Helmuth Trischler, Christopher Kopper

Mobility and Environment in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Massimo Moraglio

Revisiting Koyaanisqatsi (1982)

Bret Edwards

Mass Air Travel and its Socio-Environmental Impact in 1970s Canada

Christopher Neumaier, Helmuth Trischler, Christopher Kopper

Mobility and Environment in the 20th and 21st Centuries

Shawn W. Miller

The ›Nature‹ of Rio de Janeiro’s Streets and the Elite Domination of the Urban Commons, 1900–1960

Christopher Neumaier, Helmuth Trischler, Christopher Kopper

Mobility and Environment in the 20th and 21st Centuries

2/2017 - Open Issue

Norman Domeier

The Cooperation between Associated Press and the National Socialist Regime, 1942–1945

1/2017 - Open Issue

Frank Bösch

The West German Reception of Vietnamese ›Boat People‹

Scott H. Krause

Willy Brandt’s My Road to Berlin (1960)

2/2016 - Apartheid and Anti-Apartheid – South Africa and Western Europe

Steven L.B. Jensen

Apartheid and the International Politics of Racial Discrimination

Detlef Siegfried

Anti-Apartheid Movement, ANC and the Conflict Surrounding Paul Simon’s Album Graceland (1985–1988)

Jakob Skovgaard

The Representation of Black Consciousness in Richard Attenborough’s Cry Freedom (1987)

1/2016 - Open Issue

Harriet Scharnberg

Associated Press and Nazi Photojournalism

3/2015 - Marketization

Sebastian Teupe

Markets and Marketization from the Perspective of New Economic Sociology

Dieter Plehwe, Matthias Schmelzer

The Power of Neoliberal Expert, Consulting, and Lobby Networks

Dieter Plehwe, Matthias Schmelzer

The Power of Neoliberal Expert, Consulting, and Lobby Networks

Rudolf Kučera

Semantics of Economic Reform in Czechoslovakia, 1985–1992

2/2015 - Photography in Dictatorships

Sarah Goodrum

Rita Maahs' and Karl-Eduard von Schnitzler's Exhibition Vom Glück des Menschen

Andrea Germer

The Japanese Overseas Photo Magazine FRONT (1942–1945)

1/2015 - Open Issue

Quinn Slobodian

West German Feminists Look at China and Vietnam, 1968–1982

2/2014 - West-Berlin

Stefanie Eisenhuth, Scott H. Krause

Transatlantic Narratives and the Historical Actors Crafting West Berlin’s Postwar Political Culture

Stefanie Eisenhuth, Scott H. Krause

Transatlantic Narratives and the Historical Actors Crafting West Berlin’s Postwar Political Culture

1/2014 - Open Issue

Santanu Das, Gerhard Hirschfeld, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Boris Kolonitskii, Jay Winter

A Roundtable Discussion

Santanu Das, Gerhard Hirschfeld, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Boris Kolonitskii, Jay Winter

A Roundtable Discussion

Santanu Das, Gerhard Hirschfeld, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Boris Kolonitskii, Jay Winter

A Roundtable Discussion

Santanu Das, Gerhard Hirschfeld, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Boris Kolonitskii, Jay Winter

A Roundtable Discussion

Santanu Das, Gerhard Hirschfeld, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Boris Kolonitskii, Jay Winter

A Roundtable Discussion

Santanu Das, Gerhard Hirschfeld, Heather Jones, Jennifer Keene, Boris Kolonitskii, Jay Winter

A Roundtable Discussion

3/2013 - Contemporary History of Prevention and Provision

Mayumi Hayashi

Recent Research Trends and Outcomes

2/2013 - Social Inequality in State Socialism

Anna Ivanova

Consumer Society in the Soviet Union

1/2013 - Open Issue

Maria Couroucli, Vangelis Karamanolakis

Access to ‘Sensitive’ Government Records and Archives in Greece

Klaus Nathaus, C. Clayton Childress

Integrating the Production, Meaning and Reception of Symbolic Objects

Sonia Combe

Access to ‘Sensitive’ Government Records and Archives in France

Maria Couroucli, Vangelis Karamanolakis

Access to ‘Sensitive’ Government Records and Archives in Greece

Klaus Nathaus, C. Clayton Childress

Integrating the Production, Meaning and Reception of Symbolic Objects

2/2012 - Computerisation and Information Society

James Sumner

The Meanings of Microcomputers

1/2012 - Open Issue

Franz Mauelshagen

A Case for a Climate History of the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries

3/2011 - International Orders and New Universalisms in the Twentieth Century

Celia Donert, Janou Glencross
Celia Donert, Janou Glencross

2/2011 - Politics and Culture of Sound in the Twentieth Century

Yaron Jean

Warfare Technology and the Changing Role of Sounds in Twentieth-Century Europe

1/2011 - Open Issue

Astrid M. Eckert

Tourism to the Iron Curtain in West Germany

3/2010 - Religion in the Federal Republic of Germany

Uta Andrea Balbier

German Protestantism between Americanization and Rechristianization, 1954–70

2/2010 - Security

1/2010 - Open Issue

2/2009 - Fordism

Stefan Link

1/2009 - Open Issue

Michael E. O’Sullivan

Catholic Mystics, Church Hierarchy, and Postwar Popular Culture

3/2008 - Research on National Socialism after 1989/90

Devin O. Pendas

Rereading ‘Anatomy of the SS State’

Andrew Stuart Bergerson

Revisiting William Sheridan Allen’s Northeim

A. Dirk Moses

2/2008 - Open Issue

Muriel Blaive

The ‘Cold War’ and its political aesthetics

3/2007 - Open Issue

Łukasz Stanek

Re-reading Henri Lefebvre’s ’The Production of Space’

1-2/2007 - Open Issue

3/2006 - The 1970s – Looking Back on an Era of Change

2/2006 - Open Issue

1/2006 - Empires in the 20th Century

Benjamin Zachariah

‘Indian’ Perspectives from the Twentieth Century

Alexander J. Motyl
Ilya Gerasimov/Serguei Glebov/Alexander Kaplunovskii/Marina Mogilner/Alexander Semyonov

2/2005 - Open Issue

Holger Nehring

The Protests against Nuclear Weapons in Britain and West Germany, 1958-1963

1/2005 - Wars after the Second World War

Beatrice Heuser

An Introduction

Motti Golani

The War over Israel/Palestine, 1945–2000

Andrew Spicer

„Silent Dust“ (1949) and the Malevolent Veteran

3/2004 - Europeanization of Contemporary History?

Alexander Eisenschmidt, Jonathan Mekinda

Three Examples from Post-war Europe

Biray Kolluoglu-Kirli

Rethinking the Boundaries of Europe

David Rey

Franco and Franco’s Spain in the Spanish Blockbuster „Mortadelo y Filemón“

Alexander Eisenschmidt, Jonathan Mekinda

Three Examples from Post-war Europe

2/2004 - Media History(ies)

1/2004 - Contemporary History today – Positions and Perspectives

Mary Fulbrook

Politics and Paradigms