Steven L.B. Jensen

Steven L.B. Jensen

The Danish Institute for Human Rights
Wilders Plads 8K
DK-1403 Copenhagen K

Position / Tätigkeit:

Post-doc Researcher

Forschungs- und Interessengebiete:
  • human rights history
  • economic and social rights
  • international development
  • decolonization
  • diplomatic history
wichtigste Veröffentlichungen:

(with Thomas Ekman Jørgensen) 1968 og det der fulgte [1968 and what followed]. Studenteroprørets forudsætninger og konsekvenser, Copenhagen 2008

›Universality should govern the small world of today‹. The Cold War and UN Human Rights Diplomacy, 1960–68, in: Rasmus Mariager/Karl Molin/Kjersti Brathagen (eds), Human Rights in Europe During the Cold War, London 2014, pp. 56-72

The Making of International Human Rights. The 1960s, Decolonization, and the Reconstruction of Global Values, Cambridge 2016