University of Glasgow
School of Social and Political Sciences
Centre for Disability Research
Adam Smith Building
Glasgow G12 8RT
United Kingdom
Nicholas Watson

Chair of Disability Studies
- Disability Studies
- Disability History
- Transition to adulthood for young disabled people
(with Simo Vehmas) Moral Wrongs, Disadvantages, and Disability: A Critique of Critical Disability Studies, in: Disability and Society 29 (2014), pp. 638-650
(ed., with Simo Vehmas) Routledge Handbook of Disability Studies, 2nd ed. London 2019
(with Hilary Stewart) A Sociotechnical History of the Ultralightweight Wheelchair: A Vehicle of Social Change, in: Science, Technology, & Human Values 45 (2020), pp. 1195-1219
(with Tom Shakespeare et al.) Disabled People in Britain and the Impact of the COVID-19 Pandemic, in: Social Policy & Administration 56 (2022), pp. 103-117
(with Tom Shakespeare) Frameworks, Models, Theories, and Experiences for Understanding Disability, in: Robyn Lewis Brown/Michelle Maroto/David Pettinicchio (eds), The Oxford Handbook of the Sociology of Disability, online edition, Oxford 2022