University of the West of England Bristol
School of Art, Media and Design
Bower Ashton Campus
Clanage Road
Bristol, BS3 2JT
Great Britain
Andrew Spicer

Reader in Cultural History
Forschungs- und Interessengebiete:
- Repräsentationen von Männlichkeit
- britische Kinogeschichte
- Film Noir
- Rolle von Filmproduzenten und Drehbuchautoren
- Kreativitätstheorien
wichtigste Veröffentlichungen:
Typical Men: The Representation of Masculinity in Popular British Cinema, London 2001
Film Noir, Harlow 2002
Extending People’s Minds for a Brief Time Every Day: The Wartime Propaganda Short, in: Journal of Media Practice 4 (2003), pp. 105-112
The Production Line: Reflections on the Rule of the Producer in British Cinema, in: Journal of British Cinema and Television 1 (2004), pp. 33-50
Sydney Box, Manchester 2005