Uta G. Poiger

Prof. Ph.D. Uta G. Poiger

Northeastern University
College of Social Sciences and Humanities
420 Renaissance Park
360 Huntington Avenue
Boston, MA 02115

Website: https://cssh.northeastern.edu/faculty/uta-poiger/
Position / Tätigkeit:

Professor of History; Dean des College of Social Sciences and Humanities

Forschungs- und Interessengebiete:
  • Geschlechter- und Kulturgeschichte, insbesondere Deutschlands
  • Geschichte der Ethnizität
  • Geschichte des Konsums, der Amerikanisierung und Globalisierung
wichtigste Veröffentlichungen:

Rock ’n’ Roll, Female Sexuality, and the Cold War Battle over German Identities, in: Journal of Modern History 68 (1996), S. 577-616

Jazz, Rock, and Rebels. Cold War Politics and American Culture in a Divided Germany, Berkeley 2000

(Hg., mit Heide Fehrenbach) Transactions, Transgressions, Transformations. American Culture in Western Europe and Japan, New York 2000

Imperialism and Empire in Twentieth-Century Germany, in: History and Memory 17 (2005) H. 1-2, S. 117-143

(Hg., mit Alys Eve Weinbaum u.a.) The Modern Girl Around the World. Modernity, Consumption, Globalization, Durham 2008

(Hg., mit Volker Berghahn) German History in Documents and Images, Vol. 8: Occupation and the Emergence of Two States (1945–1961), Deutsches Historisches Institut/German Historical Institute Washington o.J.

Generations: The ›Revolutions‹ of the 1960s, in: Helmut Walser Smith (Hg.) The Oxford Handbook of Modern German History, New York 2011, S. 640-662

Beauty, Cosmetics, and Vernacular Ethnology in Weimar and Nazi Germany, in: Thomas Kühne/Hartmut Berghoff (Hg.), Globalizing Beauty. Consumerism and Body Aesthetics in the Twentieth Century, New York 2013, S. 191-212