Eindhoven University of Technology
Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Innovation Sciences
Department of Technology, Innovation, and Society
Division of History
P.O. Box 513
5600 MB Eindhoven
The Netherlands
Ruth Oldenziel

E-Mail: r.oldenziel@tue.nl
Professor of History of Technology, in particular U.S.-Europe relations
Forschungs- und Interessengebiete:
- History of Science and Technology
- American and European history
- Gender Studies
- Sustainable Mobility Studies
wichtigste Veröffentlichungen:
Making Technology Masculine. Men, Women, and Modern Machines in America, 1870–1945, Amsterdam 1999
(ed., with Karin Zachmann) Cold War Kitchen. Americanization, Technology, and European Users, Cambridge 2009
(with Mikael Hård) Consumers, Tinkerers, Rebels. The People who Shaped Europe, New York 2013
(ed., with Gerard Alberts) Hacking Europe. From Computer Cultures to Demoscenes, London 2014
(ed., with Helmuth Trischler) Cycling and Recycling. Histories of Sustainable Practices, New York 2016
(ed., with Martin Emanuel, Adri Albert de la Bruhèze, and Frank Veraart) Cycling Cities. The European Experience, Eindhoven 2016