University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
School of Music
1114 W. Nevada St.
Urbana, IL 61801
Makoto Harris Takao


Assistant Professor of Musicology, Affiliated Faculty with the Center for East Asian and Pacific Studies and the Center for Global Studies
Forschungs- und Interessengebiete:
- History of Christianity in Japan
- Music and the early modern Jesuits
- Music and/in Global History (›Global Music History‹)
- History of Emotions
- Historical and contemporary approaches to Japanese Music Studies
- Colonial alterity and the early music revival
wichtigste Veröffentlichungen:
›In Their Own Way‹: Contrafactal Practices in Japanese Christian Communities During the 16th Century, in: Early Music 47 (2019), pp. 183-198
Tokugawa Confucian Sermons as Popular Emotional Education: The Moral and Pedagogical Philosophy of Hosoi Heishū, in: Journal of Religious History 45 (2021), pp. 50-67
The Concept of Religion in Meiji Popular Discourse: An Analysis of the Newspaper Yomiuri Shimbun, in: Contributions to the History of Concepts 16 (2021), pp. 40-62