University of Helsinki
Faculty of Social Sciences
Department of Social Science History
Snellmaninkatu 14 A
Helsinki, 00014
Elena Dragomir

PhD Candidate
- Cold War
- Romania during the communist period
- Romania’s foreign policy during the communist period
- Conference on Security and Cooperation in Europe
Europe as viewed from the margins, II, Cetatea de Scaun, Targoviste 2007 (co-author)
România si sistemele de Securitate în Europa, 1919–1975, Editura Universitatii Alexandru Ioan Cuza, Iasi, 2009 (co-author)
The construction of the Romanian communist national identity during Gheorghe Gheorghiu-Dej’s regime, in: TENDENCIAS, Revista de Estudios Internacionales, Guadalajara, Mexico, No. 6/February 2009, pp. 130-153
Superpower détente as threat for ‘minor’ powers. Romanian perceptions of superpower détente during the 1970s, in: Political Thought, Anul 7, nr 27, Skopje, Macedonia, 2009, pp. 47-62
To be or to become ‘European’? ‘Westernizing’ narratives in post-Cold War Finland, in: Revista Româna pentru Studii Baltice si Nordice No. 1/2009, pp. 33-52
Explaining communist nostalgia in Romania: some empirical evidence, in: Valahian Journal of Historical Studies No. 12/2009, pp. 7-28