Boris Kolonitskii

Prof. Ph.D. Boris Kolonitskii

European University at St. Petersburg
Department of History
3 Gagarinskaya Street
191187 St. Petersburg

Position / Tätigkeit:

First Vice-Rector of EUSP, Head Research Fellow at the St. Petersburg Institute of History of the Russian Academy of Sciences

Forschungs- und Interessengebiete:
  • history of Russian revolution of 1917
  • World War I
  • history of the Russian intelligentsia
  • historical memory
wichtigste Veröffentlichungen:

(with Orlando Figes) Interpreting the Russian Revolution: The Language and Symbols of 1917, New Haven 1999

Simvoly vlasti i bor’ba za vlast’: K izucheniyu politicheskoi kul’tury Rossijskoi revoliutsiya 1917 goda [Symbols of Power and Power Struggle: To a Knowledge of the Political Culture of the 1917 Russian Revolution], 2001

Tragicheskaya erotika: Obrazy imperatoskoi sem’i v gody Pervyi mirovoi voiny [Tragic Erotica: Images of the Royal Family During WWI], Moscow 2010

100 Jahre und kein Ende. Sowjetische Historiker und der Erste Weltkrieg, in: Osteuropa 64 (2014) 2-4, pp. 369-388