Institute of Russian History
Russian Academy of Sciences
ul. Dmitriya Ulyanova 19
117036 Moscow
Anna Ivanova

- late Soviet society
- Soviet social and cultural history
- history of consumption
Izobrazhenie defitsita v sovetskoy kulture vtoroy poloviny 1960-h – pervoy polovine 1980-h godov [Representation of the Commodities Shortage in the Soviet Culture in the late 1960s – early 1980s)], in: Neprikosnovennyi zapas [Emergency Reserve] No. 3/2011, pp. 216-235
Istoria torgovoi seti ‘Beriozka’ v SSSR (konets 1950-kh – 1980-e gg.) [The History of the Beriozka Retail Chain in the USSR (late 1950s – 1980s)], in: Rossiiskaia istoria [Russian History] 5 (2012), pp. 172-185
Moral’naia otsenka privilegii i ekonomicheskikh prestuplenii v sovetskom obshchestve: diskussia o magazinakh ‘Beriozka’ v kontse 1980-kh gg. [Moral Assessment of Privileges and Economic Crimes in the Soviet Society: Discussion on Beriozka Stores in the late 1980s], in: German Historical Institute Moscow, Bulletin No. 6/2012, pp. 168-183