C. Clayton Childress

Ph.D. C. Clayton Childress

Princeton University
Center for the Study of Social Organization
107 Wallace Hall
Princeton, N.J. 08544

Website: http://claytonchildress.weebly.com
Position / Tätigkeit:

Postdoctoral Research Associate

Forschungs- und Interessengebiete:
  • cultural, economic, and organizational sociology
  • boundaries, brokerages, and meaning making in the creation, production, and consumption of creative goods
wichtigste Veröffentlichungen:

Evolutions in the Literary Field: The Co-Constitutive Forces of Cognitions, Institutions, and Networks, in: Historical Social Research/Historische Sozialforschung 36 (2011) 3, pp. 115-135

Decision Making, Market Logic, and the Rating Mindset: Negotiating BookScan in the Field of U.S. Trade Publishing, in: European Journal of Cultural Studies 15 (2012), pp. 604-620

(with Noah E. Friedkin) Cultural Production and Consumption: The Social Construction of Meaning in Book Clubs, in: American Sociological Review 77 (2012), pp. 45-68